Monday, August 6, 1945, 08:15 a.m.A day like today, the story of Hiroshima , a city in the region of Chudoku , ( Japan ) changed forever.In the course of the World War II , the most powerful deadly weapon ever used is detonated: the first bomb nuclear.
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Having suffered Japan numerous attacks in more than 60 cities, the nuclear weapon called Little Boy is launched from the air over the city of Hiroshima , under the command of the president of the United States Harry Truman .
55 seconds were enough for the bomb to fall to the surface, while the Enola Gay , ( the fighter plane in charge of launching the nuclear weapon) was moving quickly away from the area, the Captain on board, Robert Lewis wondered: My God, what have we done?
An immense mushroom-shaped smoke enveloped the expanses of the city, an image that traveled the entire world showing the limit that war can reach.It is estimated that at the time of its detonation, the temperature rose to a million degrees Celsius, creating a large fireball of 256 meters in diameter.
Image Timothy Lloyd
As if this were not enough, three days later it was the turn of the port city of Nagasaki , which suffered a minor nuclear impact, but just as terrible as the previous one.In this case, it was called Fat Man the one that would destroy the c iudad.
During the moment of impact, an estimated 70,000 people died in Hiroshima and 40,000 in Nagasaki , but at the end In 1945, new cases were registered with sequelae produced by radiation, doubling the initial number, being largely civilian victims, according to official figures.
These events gave an end to World War II , declaring Japan its unconditional surrender six days after the impact on the second city.On September 2 this surrender becomes official before the whole world.
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