The Red Cross is internationally known for its important interventions and profound help it always seeks for humanitarian good, both during periods of peace and war.
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The roots of this organization have their beginning with the work of an important person from the social history of Switzerland : Henri Dunant ( Nobel Peace Prize of 1901).He himself lived deeply the aftermath of the battle of Solferino in 1859, while on a business trip.All his memories, experiences and memories he wrote and then published in the book called A Memory of Solferino.
All the observations and ideals expressed by Dunant within this work were l I have inspired a group of young Swiss to make a relief organization that had no borders: the Red Cross .
This is how during the Geneva Convention of 1863 five citizens are presented presenting the project that would shape the Red Cross , defending the ideals of Dunant to protect and cure the injured during the fight.These five characters that gave birth to the organization were Guillaume Henri Dufour , a Swiss army general and military treaty writer who became the chairman of the committee during the first year of the organization, Gustave Moynier , a young lawyer who from that moment on dedicated his full life to the Red Cross , Louis Appia and Theodore Maunoir (both doctors) and Dunant .
Currently the Red Cross is composed of three basic elements: The National Red Cross Society (including the Red Crescits in Muslim countries and the Red Lion and Sun in Iran), the League of Red Cross Societies , opened in 1919 and responsible for coordinating international societies under the proposals of the American Red Cross ; and the International Committee of the Red Cross , an independent group of Swiss citizens who intervene as a neutral body in periods of war.
The Red Cross International appeared as a nominee for the Nobel Prizes of Peace in the years 1917, 1944 and 1963, being an example of the humanitarian predisposition in times that are most needed.
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