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The history and origin of the Earth

The planet Earth 4.5 billion years ago was a mass of clustered rocks whose core melted the planet.Over time it dried and cooled to form a crust solid and consistent.After a long cooling process, the formation of gases and the interaction with the air is the atmosphere .

The history and origin of the Earth

Index of the article

Formation of the solar system

The scientific studies confirm that it does around of 13.8 billion years there was a big explosion that they called Big Bang .The exorbitant force that was unleashed dispersed all the matter that was in all possible directions at speeds too exorbitant.As time went by, they moved away from the place of the explosion and slowed down.The nearby matter stayed for p roast to be what are now the galaxies .

The history and origin of the Earth

In the immediate vicinity of the limit of our galaxy is the Via Lactea. These fractions of matter were condensed in a dense cloud about 5,000 million years ago.All this matter was constituting a huge mass thanks to gravitational forces, until a sphere was achieved.

The history and origin of the Earth

This huge sphere was and is incandescent becoming a star that is the Sun .Other small masses around it also received similar processes while they were markingororbits around the Sun With them, these small masses were constituting planets and some satellites.At an adequate distance I was located what in the future would be our planet, the Earth .

The history and origin of the Earth

Earth Formation

After all the processes suffered on Earth as we have advanced at the beginning, the Earth begins to generate some stability.The formation of the Earth's crust and the constitution of the Atmosphere are the beginning of a long trajectory.Until it became a relatively habitable planet, several million years passed.Life on our planet was not created until after a few billion years.

The history and origin of the Earth

The Earth, in its beginnings, was a kind of target for the meteorites. These were going through our current solar system receiving countless impacts.The sum of the volcanic activity, which caused huge lava masses, was creating mountains that they were solidifying until they achieved landscapes with reliefs.

The history and origin of the Earth

The prolongation of the volcanic activity was generating a huge amount of gases ending up forming a layer on the surface that today is the atmosphere.This was the first protective layer created.At that moment a series of changes on Earth began thunderstorms, condensations, rains...begins to develop a new stage.

The history and origin of the Earth

The mixture of oxygen and hydrogen and the heat caused water vapor , which when rising towards the atmosphere was generating condensation with later rainfall .Over time the bark was getting colder and colder.The rainwater could be kept liquid in the most parts deep in the crust, with the subsequent creation of oceans, the hydrosphere.

Geological history of the Earth

From the formation of the Earth To this day, our planet has been going through many processes and changes.Since its early stages since the cooling and the constitution of a permanent crust , there is no evidence of what happened The rocks that were being created would dissolve again or they disappeared swallowed because of the volcanic eruptions .

The history and origin of the Earth

These phases remain a mystery to man.All the cycles through which the planet has passed have been erasing the traces of that time.

Geological epochs, periods, eras and eons

The most extensive unit in geological time is the eon .This is divided into several eras geological , each era is constituted of several periods and each period is divided into several epochs .Obviously, we can have more geological data the more recent the geological period.

There are four types of rocks that offer us data of each cortical activity carried out throughout all those geological periods and are:

  • The sedimentary rocks .These have been caused through the erosion and transport creating sediments.After compaction, several layers of this type of rock have been formed.
  • The volcanic rocks .This type of rocks are the ones that have been originated from magma, which was generating molten rock that after cooling have formed part of the earth's crust.
  • The precambrian rocks .This type of rocks is a series of geological structures that have been formed from existing rocks.Those rocks before being restructured already had some kind of deformation process.

The phases of the geological timescale are derived from the variations of the fossil compositions. Throughout history and with the persistence of experts, they have been found in successive strata .

The history and origin of the Earth

Aspects of planet Earth

The former pertos have divided the great geological history of the Earth into two times:

  • The precambrian , which includes the Azoic, archaic and Proterozoic ages.
  • The Phanerozoic, begins with the Cambrico period until today whose time is the Holocene.

One of the greatest finds that allowed the experts of the XX century to run new dating methods, was the radioactivity .Thanks to this discovery, it has been possible to study and assign ages of millions of years in the divisions of the timescale.

Life on Earth

Approximately 2.5 billion years ago, the eero of the Proterozoic begins.This word is defined as time of the beginning of life .they manage to join the warm and humid environment to create what would be the first living beings.

These single-celled organisms needed 2,000 million years to dispose r of an organization with more complex forms.As the oceans stabilized and the atmosphere adjusted, it is estimated that 560 million years ago the first multicellular organisms emerged.

With the appearance of these organisms, the Phanerozoic begins. This is where a large sum of fossils that manifest the presence of multicellular life on planet Earth are already characterized.


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