As we said in the previous article when we talked about the new Chinese repression in the Tibet , this region has lived through centuries of continuous invasions that have only served to obscure its memory and slowly exterminate its culture.
The first Mongols, the English, the Indians and the Chinese , have razed their lands, devastating an already poor population in itself, and the monasteries and the Tibetans themselves are suffering the end of their pure race, because by their blood they already run the traces of the different empires that have dominated it to the point that two thirds of their population is Chinese.
Little Tibet is known before the tenth century.Perhaps it was in those centuries when this region could be considered totally independent.But it was in the eleventh century II when they suffered their first invasion: that of the Mongol Empire .While it is true that during the centuries that the Mongol Empire dominated Tibet, the country's government enjoyed a certain independence, It was at this time that Tibetan Buddhism began to develop fully.Althan Khan gave the Dalai Lama enough strength to promote his religion.Corria at that time the 16th century.
The first Chinese interference occurred in the 17th century when the Asian giant sent a commissioner to intervene in the government of Lhasa.However, he was killed.As a response to this affront, China sent 2,000 soldiers to Tibet and urged another commissioner to take charge of the government.Soldiers stayed in Tibetan territory on "defensive" missions.
But the 20th century has been the worst in its history for this poor region of Central Asia.
When the century began, Tubten Gyatzo was the one who ruled Tib et.It was the 13th Dalai Lama .Thanks to him, Tibet was beginning to modernize; However, in 1903 the first problems began when England , at that time an Empire that sought to expand throughout Asia after dominating India , forced the Dalai Lama to sign a commercial agreement with the Indians.Thus, indirectly, it was the English, who dominated the Indians, who benefited from that agreement.
But the English sights went much further.They wanted control of Tibet, and Thus, under the excuse that the Russians were influencing the government decisions of the Dalai Lama, the English sent their troops to Lhasa. In 1904, the Dalai Lama had to go into exile to Mongolia leaving the English at the head of the government.For a few years he was under his control, until in 1906 they signed a treaty with China for which They recognized his sovereignty over the territory, but in return, the English obtained enormous compensation for withdrawing.Once the agreement was signed (and collected), the English withdrew.
In 1910 he would arrive a new contingent of Chinese troops to Tibet , headed by General Chao Erh-Feng.The definitive annexation to China seemed to be easy, but he had not had the forces and the Tibetan independence spirit.
Chapters :
- chapter I: Tibet, the Chinese invasion
- chapter II: Tibet in the twentieth century
- chapter III: Tibet, the great repression
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