There are many-perhaps too many-historical episodes that have marked humanity, however, few have reached the impact and the level of tragedy that nuclear disasters have reached both in the twentieth century and in the twenty-first century. What happened in the Fukushima nuclear accident , do you really know?
Nuclear accidents are totally devastating for the human communities that suffer them, to the point of having to leave everything behind and not being able to access the affected area in a long period of time that can be, even of decades.
One of the best known nuclear accidents as well as tragic in the recent history of mankind is the one that took place in Fukushima, Japan, in the year 2011, on March 11.For the Scale International of Nuclear Events, this event reached 7 in magnitude, that is, the maximum possible and, to understand us, it is at the same level as the Chernobyl disaster of 1986.
Learn about Chernobyl:
After almost ten years since that tragedy , we see how little by little Fukushima has begun to regenerate economically, all thanks to a series of certain conditions that did not allow the pollution derived from nuclear power plants to affect so brutally some surrounding areas.
This has to do with several factors such as wind direction and the way in which the tsunami hit the plant; Just do not forget that the area is not yet suitable for living and still has a high risk of nuclear contamination according to where you are.
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Origin of the accident Fukushima nuclear power
The nuclear power plant called Fukushima I was developed at the end of the 60s under the direction of the American company General Electric .This data is not missing, because the plant will be a source of criticism due to the design that had, since it was considered inappropriate considering the great risk to tidal waves in the area.
Precisely was an earthquake and its subsequent tsunami responsible for this nuclear accident occurred on 11 March 2011; It should be borne in mind that many experts said that in an area where tsunamis could reach heights of up to almost 40 meters, as it was possible that the plant had a wall containing only 8 meters, complemented by safety measures that were , also, in flood areas.
This means that the Japanese power station was a victim of a circumstance that was not prepared at all and should be taken into account; That is why the design work was criticized so much shortly after what happened.
Indeed, the nuclear accident was due to the filtration of water to the nuclear power plants that they began to fail progressively until many stopped working, this, as a consequence, generated that much of the energy that was stored was stored there.
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What does that mean? On the one hand, a good thing, which is that I prevent many more people from being affected and that the accident is more brutal in general, on the other hand, currently nobody knows how to access the plant and start a process that can release in a safe way or safely isolate that energy that could eventually leave the plants and give rise to another nuclear accident.
Development of the Fukushima nuclear accident
As we have said before, accidents begin to occur since the tsunami exceeds the line of Easily contain the same March 11, 2011.In general terms we could say that the failures that were presented were:
Malfunctions, that is, the paralysis of the refrigeration system of four emergency generators and two reactors.
In reactors 1, 2 and 3, evidence of a possible fusion of the partial nucleus began to come to light, which led to the loss of the electric power generation in the next 72 hours as well as successive hydrogen explosions.
These explosions finished damaging the containment structures of not only the reactors mentioned above, but others, such as number 4.
As expected, along with all this, there were a series of fires in different areas of the plant during this nuclear accident.
In addition, as often happens in these cases , the reactor 3 carried inside a type of fuel that, however, generated a great polemic because of how it was made, it was called MOX and in this link you can consult more information about it.
Without However, all this can be summarized in the report published in June of the same year of the nuclear accident in which it is stated that three of the reactors suffering from the fusion of the core.If you do not know what it is or want to know more about it , access here.
Consequences of the Fuk nuclear accident ushima
The consequences of the Fukushima nuclear accident They are practically incalculable, in fact, they are such and so diverse that we can subdivide them into several categories.
Emissions to the Earth's atmosphere: the emission of multiple chemical substances is similar to those of Chernobyl, you must know that they affect the emergence of life in general terms, thus affecting all living beings.
Emissions to the oceans: these emissions have an effect like that of the atmosphere, affecting more than anything In the Pacific, the magnitude is such that 500 kilometers off the coast of San Francisco in California, the United States can be perceived-although at a low level-the radiation that was released.
Human beings: apart that everyone in a series of people is over, many people lost their lives in this accident due to radiation and, although many were compensated, it is probably not enough to overcome this tragedy...
If you want to know even more about the Fukushima nuclear accident of 2011, such as the proportions of released emissions, which we omit so that the content was not so dense and heavy, we recommend that you consult the free encyclopedia, that is, Wikipedia; Hopefully events like this don't continue to happen in our world.
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