Jesus Christ is, both for Christians and non-believers, a fundamental figure in the history of mankind, even though it is considered the year of his birth as year 1 within the Gregorian calendar, according to numerous studies Jesus Christ was born between five and eight years before the estimated date, then placing it between the years 5 and 8 BC of our official calendar.Having these years as reference, we will make an introspection of the characters that were contemporary to Jesus , both those who influenced within their history (leaving aside some characters such as the apostles and other characters of the new testament) as those who were alien to it.

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Augusto (Octavio): founder of I Roman Empire.I influence the history of Jesus, since it forces the inhabitants of Palestine to be registered in the city of origin.In this way, the Virgin Mary and her husband Jose move to the city of Belen to make such registration , concluding with the birth of Jesus Christ.
Herod : reigned under the control of the Romans, and according to the Gospel of Matthew, this king finds out through some Wizards of the arrival of Jesus, being presented as the King of the Jews.Fearing for the possible power he could exercise over him, he sends to kill all children under two years of age who were born in the city of Belen.It was called the Massacre of the Innocents.
Tiberius : He was the second emperor of the Roman Empire, and his government fell under the imposing shadow cast by Augustus, his ancestor.Goberno for 23 years, until the day of his death, in Miseno.
Caligula : member of the Julio-Claudia dynasty, Caligula was the third emperor of the Roman Empire.During his short reign that was limited to 4 years, ending the day of his murder, this emperor was a symbol of the madness and scandal, plunging Rome into a profound decline.
Publio Ovidio Nason : He was a well-known Roman poet, very famous in his field for his works Ars amandi and The metamorphosis , work in verse that dealt with the mythology of the time.
Abgar : also known as Abgaro V of Edessa, he was a historical ruler of the kingdom of Osroene, who had his capital in Edessa.

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Wang Mang : considered one of the tyrant characters in the history of the East, Wang Mang was During the short period that formed the years 9-23, China usurped the power of the Han dynasty, which had been reigning through 200 years of history, creating its own dynasty: the Xin (new).
Liu Xuan : He was the prince of the Huan dynasty who led a rebellion towards Wang Mang, in order to restore power to the dynasty that had been usurped.between 23 and 25.
Heron of Alexandria : This Greek character was known and prominent in history, since he developed a lot of inventions of engineering, giving great progress to historical mechanical science.Among its greatest achievements, is the first steam engine.
Arquelao and Antipa : both children of Herod, the first was appointed king of Judea in the testament of his father, and the second of Galilee and Perea, but the final decision of the distribution of the kingdom was taken by the Emperor Augustus.

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The Anasazi : these were a town that occupied the regions we know today as the states of Colorado, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico.Its legacies are known worldwide for rock constructions, most of them now declared World Heritage Humanity for UNESCO: At that time, these tribes were in full cultural expansion, leaving a great legacy to the history of North America.
Nerva : born in the year 30, he was an important member of the imperial sequito during the Neron government, playing a leading role during the conspiracy to the emperor.Later he was Emperor of Rome from 96 to 98.
Fraates IV : He was the son of Orodes II, and ruled in Partia during the period 37 BC-2 BC After the death of his brother Pacoro I.This fearsome character was the bloody murderer of his father and all his brothers.
Galba : born in the year 3 BC of the Gregorian calendar, and was the first of the four Roman emperors of 69, belonging to the group called the year of the four emperors .
Seneca : it was an important Roman philosopher of great influence.His thoughts, fundamentally moralistic, were the basis of his works, also known for being the tutor and faithful advisor to the fearsome Emperor Neron.
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