Emilio Prados
(Málaga, 1899-Mexico, 1962) Spanish poet.The biography of Emilio Prados coincides, in certain aspects, with that of other representatives of the generation of 27 (Federico García Lorca, Rafael Alberti, Pedro Salinas, Jorge Guillén or Gerardo Diego, among others): stay at the Madrid Student Residence , trips abroad (Switzerland, France, Germany), contacts with the artistic avant-gardes, political commitment and exile.
Emilio Prados
However, his solitary figure and his self-enclosed poetic itinerary force us to consider the existence of a particular environment for him within of the group of his generation.Together with Manuel Altolaguirre and José María Hinojosa, he founded and directed in Malaga the magazine Litoral (1926-1928) and the homonymous editions, where they published the first books by young contemporary poets.
Emilio Prados is the author of an extensive poetic work of unitary inspiration as a whole, although the evolution of its forms and contents allows a subdivision into three phases: the first corresponds to the taste for images of Time (1925), the fashion of abstract intellectualism in Vuelta (1927), the surrealist influence in Six stamps for a puzzle (1925) and the metaphorical richness of The Mystery of Water (1926-1927).
With Body persecuted (written in those same years but published in 1946), inspired by a real love, the search for an underlying unity to everything that appears as the opposite (the problem of otherness) inaugurates a second epoch.In it, the social concerns of Andando por el mundo (1931-1935) and Complete Calendar of Bread and Fish (1933-1934) are manifested, culminating in activism politician of the republican era and the Spanish civil war.At this stage he took care of collecting and publishing the General Romancero de la Guerra de España (1937).
The third phase is represented by the poetic production of the Mexican exile, with Memory of oblivion (1940), Minimal death (1940), Closed garden ( Poems , 1946) , Natural river (1957) and the posthumous works Signs of being (1962) and Cita sin Limit (1963), in which the search for balance and harmony is internalized again with the intention of healing the wounds of the past.It is a search that is expressed through a return to the scheme of the song of his first books, and to a language plagued with paradoxes and antitheses of a popular nature.In 1954 a selection of his poetry was published under the title Anthology, and in 1965, Last poems .
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