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Alejandro Malaspina Biography

Alejandro Malaspina

(Palermo, present-day Italy, 1754-Pontremoli, id., 1809) Italian sailor in the service of the Spanish Crown.He distinguished himself in various naval operations against England, after which he was promoted to lieutenant (1780).In 1789 he led a scientific expedition commanded by the Corvettes Discovered and Daring with the aim of circumnavigating the globe, taking on board important scientific personalities and a good number of expert cartoonists.In the course of it he traveled the American coasts of the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata and the western ones from Tierra del Fuego to Alaska, as well as the Philippines and some archipelagos of Oceania, to finally return in September 1794.However, Malaspina fell from grace and, in November 1795, was accused by Manuel Godoy of revolutionary and conspirator and sentenced to ten years in prison.In 1803 he was exiled to Italy, where he died.


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