The context of the Second Industrial Revolution.
Between the middle and last quarter of the 19th century, the division between the Western Europe industrialized and the Eastern Europe and southern, whose economy continued to be based on agriculture for some time, after the repression of 1848 and the economic expansion that ensued, decreased the social conflict .
The Working Class
In the following decade, however, the activity of the labor movement was increased.The composition of the working class was diversified due to the increase in types of employment, especially in cities, where trades multiplied and coexisted with ancient artisanal activities.
However, the living conditions for most of the workers remained harsh: along with the work possibilities they increased the lack of hygiene and overcrowding, and more women and children joined the work.
The first unions
The workers They soon developed an organization of their own, with the aim of joining efforts to deal with the vertiginous changes that were taking place in the best possible way.
In Great Britain , In 1875, the unions or trade unions reached the million members.They were a source of pressure to achieve the electoral reform of 1867 , which broadens the right to vote to reach a third of adult males.Unions also obtained legal recognition, the right to strike legislation and the regulation of relations between employers and workers.
In France , the workers organization was more disintegrated, due to the dispersion of space that of the industry.The sectors with the most union activity were the metalworker and the miner.In 1864, they managed to legalize the workers' associations.In France there was a large peasantry, which was, in general, the owner of their lands, and therefore had a more conservative attitude and not so prone to mobilization.
In Germany , the industrialization , late but quickly, it produced industrial concentrations and an exodus of peasants to the cities.In the 1860s, two important workers parties were formed: the General Association of German Workers , the first socialist party , and the Social Democratic Labor Party .These joined in 1875 under the name of German Democratic Social Party , which actively participated in national political life.
Germany was the first country to I incorporate the social security system managed by the State.Insurance was also introduced to cover risks of accidents, disability and old age.These advances did not reach all the inhabitants, but, fundamentally, those who were employed in the most concentrated industrial sectors and whose unions had more pressure power than others.
The workers constituted a large and diverse social sector, which acquired union and political importance in the decade 1880, when specialized workers (technicians, administrators, teachers, tertiary sector workers) and non-specialized workers were integrated into the production.
This variety and quantity of Active labor contributed to giving the labor movement a social power that had not been achieved until then.Even so, the conquests were slow and costly.For example, by 1914, I still don't know there was h I made the demand to establish a maximum of eight hours for the duration of the working day come true.
Read more about this historical period in the following articles:
Imperialism in the 19th century : the Distribution of the World
Wars of the 19th century , summary (from 1800 to 1848 )
The reforms of Japan in the middle of the 19th century
The Industrial Revolution
Characteristics of the States National
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