Famous people in history if there are any, the famous Shakespeare (1565-1616) is considered by many literary experts as the greatest writer of all time and, with certainty, the most outstanding among all the dramatists and poets who have written in English.A genius in the domain of words and images; his poems and his plays explore the full range of human emotions and conflicts.His versatility was extraordinary and his work includes stories and comedies, tragedies and romances.
William was the third of eight children of a wealthy merchant who held important positions in the city of Stratford-upon-Avon , and of Mary Arden , a descendant of a prestigious Catholic family.He was born and educated in the same city where Father worked, in the central region of England.He was married at the age of 18 after moving to London, where he worked as an actor in the city's most prominent theater company and by 1584 he had become a promising playwright.
The first work attributed to him, based on the life of the English king In wealth VI (1421-1471) was produced between 1590-1592.The precise sequence with which the rest of his works were written and represented is difficult to establish, although the first historical dramas were written as a tribute to the queen Isabel I, to support the claims by the Tudors for the throne.
At the beginning of the 17th century, with the patronage of King Jaime I, Shakespeare produced his greatest tragedies: Hamlet, Otello King Lear and Macbeth, all of them exponents of the incisive exploration of the human soul.
During the 18th century, some scholars began to suggest that Shakespeare, the product of a provincial school, did not He could have written such works.A number of apparent keys and cryptograms within the works were presented as evidence that the English philosopher and essayist Francis Bacon (1561-1626) had written them.Men of modern letters have shown, however, That theory has no substitute Shakespeare is undoubtedly the legitimate author of his works, and they are also doubts: the best playwright of his time.
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