Alexander III of Russia
(Saint Petersburg, 1845-Livadia, 1894) Penultimate Tsar of Russia (1881-1894).Son of Alexander II of Russia, acceded to the throne on the death of his brother Constantine (1865).Of orthodox religion, he surrounded himself with authoritarian advisers such as D.Tolstoy and N.Bunge, and put an end to nihilist terrorism thanks to harsh police repression.
Tsar Alexander III of Russia
Alexander III set out to restore the pre-eminent place in society to the noble class, and for this purpose he created in 1885 the Bank of Nobility , intended to help the nobles overcome their financial difficulties.He also undertook a policy of Russification of the Baltic, Finland and Poland, at the same time that he instituted discriminatory measures with respect to the Jews, whom he forced to settle in the western zone by the 1882 statute.He colonized Turkestan and ordered the beginning of the works of the Trans-Siberian railway.
In foreign policy, Alexander III of Russia broke the alliance with Germany to agree in 1892 an agreement with France, which guaranteed the credits for the industry that Germany denied him.Meanwhile, Alexander III had earned the enmity of the zemstvos , impregnated by the new liberal trend and concerned about the repressive economic policy of the reign, who saw in his successor, Nicholas II of Russia, the personification of your hopes.
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