Josep Fontana Lázaro
(Josep Fontana i Lázaro; Barcelona, 1931-2018) Spanish historian.Disciple of Pierre Vilar, Ferran Soldevila and Jaume Vicens Vives, he studied fundamentally the transition models from the Old Regime to capitalism. The bankruptcy of the absolute monarchy, 1814-1820 (1972) and Economic change and political attitudes in 19th century Spain (1973) are among his fundamental works.Between 1991 and 1994 he directed the Historia Universal Planeta .His latest publications include Europe before the mirror (1994) and Naturalismo, positivismo, catalanismo (1995).
Josep Fontana Lázaro
Josep Fontana Lázaro studied philosophy and letters at the University of Barcelona, for which he obtained a bachelor's degree in 1956 and a doctorate in 1970.He held the post of reader at the University of Liverpool (1956-1957) and, after his expulsion from the university for political reasons (1966), he was an assistant to Jaume Vicens Vives at the Barcelona Faculty of Economic Sciences (1968-1974).In 1974 he obtained the chair of Economic History at the University of Valencia and, two years later, he became the chair of the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
Disciple of Ferran Soldevila, Pierre Vilar and the aforementioned Vicens Vives, the work of Josep Fontana Lázaro is part of the line of Marxist historiography that pays special attention to the study of economic factors that contribute to accentuate social inequalities and class struggle.His studies, specialized in the Spanish 19th century, focused on the transition from the Old Regime to capitalism, the delayed penetration in the country of the industrial revolution, the crises of the State Treasury and the revolutions of 1820 and 1868 in Spain.
Among his works stand out, along with those already mentioned, The revolution of 1820 in Catalonia (1961), Aribau and the cotton industry in Catalonia ( 1963), Finance and the State in the final crisis of the Old Regime (1972), The liberal revolution: Politics and finance in 1833-1845 (1977), The crisis of the Old Regime, 1808-1833 (1979), History: analysis of the past and social project (1982) and Catalonia and Spain in the 19th century ( 1987).In 1986 he directed the publication Spain under Franco .
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