José Miguel Infante Rojas
(Santiago, 1778-1844) Chilean politician.Supporter of the federal system of government, tried to implant it in Chile.In 1821 he founded the newspaper El Valdiviano Federal, in which he defended his federalist theories.He was a deputy to Congress for Santiago de Chile in 1811, and a senator in 1812.In addition, he held the position of secretary of the first National Congress.During the so-called Patria Vieja (1810-1814) he was part of the successive government boards.
José Miguel Infante
At his instigation, Carrera and O'Higgins was elected (1813).Minister of Finance with O'Higgins (1818), then he faced him and was appointed, at his fall, a member along with Errázuriz and Eyzaguirre of the Junta that in 1823 took power.In July 1823 he promoted, from his position as senator, the abolition of slavery; In this way Chile became the first country in America to take this measure and the second in the world to do so.
In 1824 he was elected president of the dictatorial Council.From this position, in 1826 he promoted the federal system for the government of the country, but the measures that were taken led to a total failure and the rise of anarchy.
Despite the failure of the federalist measures, José Miguel Infante continued in political life and between 1828 and 1829 he was a deputy in Congress for the state of Petorca and was later elected president of Congress on April 25, 1828.In 1834, he was appointed Minister of the Supreme Court and director of the Law School of the University of Chile, positions he resigned from.
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